The Dreaded Covid Mask: Will it Kill You?


I am a prepper. And as such I am naturally distrustful of any and everything, including my own state, local, and federal governments. I have recently been following all of the hullaballoo of various conservative groups regarding the mandates of wearing masks by our children and the trouble this practice can cause in their everyday lives; “it’s unprecedented” many people say, and the emotional and psychological impact could be disastrous.

While I am naturally predisposed to agree with this thought initially, I am reminded of days gone by where children were forced to adapt to other man-made substances that were designed to infect their lungs with poison and end their lives. Not only did most of the children of the mid-1900’s who survived the German invasion and holocaust go on to live productive lives, but they even became “the greatest generation” by account of most historians.

There was a difference however, Those children were raised to be a little tougher than perhaps the children of today are, at least in most countries. A person was the sole provider for him or herself with no reliance on the state for the most part. It’s like that in many other countries today, but for some reason America and many European countries have developed a welfare state concept where an existence is seen to be owed to the citizenry rather than being something that one must provide for oneself. Wouldn’t it be bizarre then, if by the very concept of organized survival, many were lost to the horrors associated with a thin paper mask?